How big are FORTUNE 100 A&P Budgets?

August 14, 2011 § Leave a comment

This is a cool info-graphic  that I just found in twitter and thought it was good for sharing.

It contains the top 200 Brands Advertising budget

Information provided by: Marketing Degree

How to use your A&P budget wisely

July 31, 2011 § 1 Comment

I recently read an article “Branding in the Digital Age: You’re spending your money in all the wrong places” by David Edelman from HBR December 2010 issue that made me review my own A&P investment strategies and I have to acknowledge that until this moment I’ve always believed that a great product design and some quality tracking was enough effort on the post-sale and I mainly focused on creating demand (pre-sale efforts).

As Mr. Eldelman explains, we continue to use PUSH strategies to obtain brand consideration, leading to a sale. A consumer needs to know-you, consider-you, approve-you, buy-you. Hence, most expenditure is focused on the first two (knowledge, consideration) and just a bit of price discount with the purpose of building the greatest “Consideration Universe” assuming in the way that the conversion is based on price or other ‘traditional’ paradigms that we don’t challenge. We continue to forget out Consider-Buyer ratio.

In my experience, consumers like to know how a product will perform prior to purchasing-it… This is the reason infomercials work. Of course a great brand has “the performance” in its DNA. This value is also inheritable (umbrella brands). But what happens when you have 2 equally performing products?

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